Why I Still Work After Making Millions Online

I want to ask you an important question: Why do you work?

Why do you do what you do each and every day? Why are you working so hard to build and grow your online business? This is bigger than just what your specific goals are. I'm curious as to the motivation behind those goals - the why (or whys) behind your effort.

Let me put it a different way. If you had made millions of dollars in your business, would you keep working? If yes, then why?

That's what I want to share with you today as I unpack the 6 reasons why I still show up to work each week even though I don't have to financially. In this episode I break down:

  1. How getting clear on your "why" helps you deal with both adversity and success

  2. Why I most certainly will never truly "retire"

  3. What specific Bible verses inform my 6 "whys"

Hope this video inspires and encourages you!


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