The Go-Giver: How Generosity Is The Secret To Success

Growing up I always heard about the concept of a go-getter.

Someone who takes initiative and goes out in the world to “get” his or her fair share of the “good life” as they say.

This worldview says: “If you want opportunities, go out and grab them. If you want success, take it.”

But what if there were a different approach, one in which you didn’t focus on taking (or getting) but rather on giving?

Personally I have used the art of giving to build my business into what it is today, and if there were ever one book to sum up my core philosophy of business it would be The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann.

Written as a parable or short story, The Go-Giver tells the tale of a frustrated salesman who learns 5 powerful “laws” of success from an older wiser mentor.

You can read it in an afternoon but truly you’ll want to re-read it every year as I do.

Today I want to break down the three golden nuggets of this book so you can apply them to your life and business.


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