How To Invest For Wealth Building As a Business Owner

As a business owner, you should always be investing in your future and building wealth.

Last episode we talked about cash flow management for your business (bank accounts, taxes, paying yourself a...

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Money Management For Small Businesses

How you handle the money and finances in your business will make or break you.

If you don’t have a strategy and system to manage the cash flow each and every month – even when the...

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3 Myths About Earning 6 Figures

What does it take to earn six figures a year? Well, it depends on who you ask.

Personally, I believe there are a few myths floating out there about the subject and I want to bust them right here...

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4 Keys To a Profitable Webinar

Selling via a webinar can be a powerful strategy when launching or promoting one of your online courses or memberships (or heck, even coaching spots!)

But HOW you run your webinar can be the...

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Where There Is Overwhelm There Is Opportunity

Overwhelm is the problem of our day.

Too much information is overwhelming. Too much conflicting information is overwhelming. On top of that, our lives are too busy to take the time to comb through...

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YouTube vs Facebook To Grow Your Business?

Should you use YouTube or Facebook as the primary tool to grow your business?

I say, why not use both?!

They are each totally different animals with different strengths and weaknesses – but...

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3 Mistakes I Made With My First Online Course

My first course launched back in 2010 to the sad tune of about $170.

One of my most recent course launches did over $170,000. It’s safe to say I’ve gotten a lot better at this thing.


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The CashFlow Quadrant: The Path To Earn More While Working Less

Today I’m going to give you a pathway to earning different (and better) types of income.

This pathway will help you not only earn more money but work less as well.

One of my favorite books...

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Your Phone Is Keeping You Enslaved To Your Work

My life can be divided up into two eras: BIP and AIP (Before iPhone and after iPhone). For me, that was back in 2011.

At first, having a smartphone was a glorious awakening. I felt superhuman...

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3 Steps To Writing Sales Copy That Sells

When it comes to selling your stuff, the words you use matter.

And while there are a million ways to write effective sales copy, I’ve found that underneath every effective sales pitch (or...

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Selflessness: The Missing Piece in Business

When you run a business, whether you know it or not or verbalize it or not, you are putting something and someone first.

There is a pecking order or a list of priorities.

It could be the...

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Which Comes First: Your Product or Your Content?

Is it better to launch your business without a product or to build the product first and then launch?

I have two friends who have approached their online businesses two different ways and in...

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