How Much Should You Charge For Digital Products?

There seems to be a lot of insecurity with online business owners when it comes to pricing their digital products. But have no fear: I have an answer!

Pricing for online courses and membership...

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From Food Stamps To Seven Figures (My Story)

Ten years ago I was on food stamps (government assistance) after losing a job during the recession and trying to start a business from scratch.

It was a painful 18 months of making virtually no...

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Membership Sites vs Online Courses – Which is BEST?

The great debate of digital products and online business is: Which is better, a membership site or online courses?

Both clearly have their pros and cons. And personally I run multiple...

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3 Reasons Why You Should Build An Email List Now

One of the smartest decisions I ever made as a business owner and content creator was to begin building my email list.

10 years ago when I began blogging and putting out videos I somehow knew that...

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The 30 Day Social Media Detox

That’s it…it’s time for me to quit social media.

At least for 30 days…

To kick off the New Year I will be saying “bye bye bye” to Instagram, Facebook, and...

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Count The Fruit In Your Business Each Year

If you’re like most business owners, you spend the entire year with your head down plowing along trying to launch products, make sales, and reach more customers. So much so that you rarely...

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EntreLeadership: How Dave Ramsey Runs His Business

The best people to learn business from are those who have been doing it for a long time and with great success.

Dave Ramsey is one of those people.

Best known as the biggest name in personal...

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2 Ways To Grow Your Audience Faster

Do you need to grow your audience or customer base? Welcome to the club.


Today I want to give you two strategies you can use to get the word out better for your content and brand.


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Sell Your Digital Product Or Create Free Content First?

Imagine you have a great idea for a product and you’re anxious to sell it to the world. The question you have to ask yourself first is: should you?

One school of thought says, yes. Spend...

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The Upside Down Work Day (Productivity Hack)

Do you feel like there’s not enough time to get everything done at work?

Do you constantly feel behind in your business and find yourself literally running to the bathroom and back again...

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The Wisdom Of Growing Small And Slow

There’s wisdom to growing your business small and growing it slowly.

Yet “small” and “slow” are two words that we do not like to use in America.

Instead we prefer big...

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How To Use Facebook Live To Start Your Business

Using Facebook Live to start and grow your business is both easy and strategic.

In fact that is how I started THIS business before I ever had a website or any products.

In this video I’ll...

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