5 Reasons Why I'm Quitting Social Media For A Year

I don't know where you stand on social media use - whether you love it, hate it, or fall somewhere in between.

But I am about to quit social media (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter) for a full...

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How To Sell Your Online Courses Without Burning Out Your Audience

Do you struggle with that tension of wanting to promote your online course or membership to your audience but without feeling sleazy, pushy, or like your constantly selling?
We all know...
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How To Build Products That Are Virtually Guaranteed To Sell

Have you ever launched a product that got zero sales?
Or sold so few that you feel like giving up?
Welcome to the club.
But the question in your mind might be "Is there...
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Abundance vs Scarcity Mindset (And Why It Matters For Your Business)

Did you know there are two primary ways business owners see the world?
You either have an abundance mentality or mindset OR you have a scarcity mindset.
The difference between the...
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2 Steps To Sell More (Case Study From My 10 Year Old)

Sometimes I think we make marketing and selling way too complicated.

I was reminded of this just the other day when my 10-year-old daughter Chloe explained to me how she sold a bunch of product in...

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The Best Marketing Strategy That No One Seems To Talk About

There's a reason why I make fun of Facebook Ads so much in my content.

Simply put, there is a MUCH better way to grow your business than running ads.

There is a marketing strategy that no one...

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Don't Be The Best (Be Good Enough Instead)

A while back a buddy of mine sent me this text...

You see everybody wants to be "the best" at what they do in career and business.

When you focus on trying to be the best there are 4 key...

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3 Tips To Start A Business In A Saturated Market

Are you afraid to start a business because you feel that the topic or niche you're serving is an oversaturated market?

Are you stuck in a business that you've already started and think it's...

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Elon Musk Says Work Every Waking Hour

There’s this “motivational” video on YouTube that’s a compilation of Elon Musk interviews (billionaire founder of Tesla and Space X) called WORK EVERY WAKING HOUR.

In it...

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Stop Looking At The Numbers

In a world of powerful data and analytics tools at our fingertips, could looking at the numbers actually be hurting our business and growth potential?

I mean, the quote goes: "What gets measured,...

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Multiple Streams Of Income: How I Earn Money 10 Different Ways

I’ve always heard the average millionaire has 7 or more streams of income. Meaning they earn income from 7 different sources.

As compared to say the average worker in America which has...

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Online Business In 2020: Don't Make These 3 Mistakes

Things ain't what they used to be when it comes to online business.
If you are running or building your business and presence online in 2020 like many of us did in the past 5 years you...
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