3 Mistakes I Made With My First Membership Site

I launched my first membership site way back in 2012.
And while that became a multi-six figure a year product for many years, I made a ton of newbie mistakes along the way that held it back...
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3 Steps To Start An Online Business (If You're Crazy Busy)

What would an extra $500 to $1,000 a month do for your world?

For most of us, that is game changing money.

You could pay off debt faster, save for your kids’ college, give more to your...

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Make Your First Hire (And Scale Your Business)

For the first four years of my business, I did absolutely everything myself. And it worked.

That was the problem. It worked a little too well.

While my income grew so did my audience and my...

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6 Millionaire Habits You Can Copy

A couple of years ago a team conducted the largest study of millionaires ever.

They surveyed over 10,000 millionaires (people who have a net worth of at least $1M) to see what the hard data showed...

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Workaholism Is The New Status Symbol

It used to be that the wealthy would flaunt their status by spending copious amounts of money on things like fancy purses, expensive cars, and massive mansions.

But have we as a culture become so...

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Make $1000 a Month Online Consistently (the 2 key factors)

Have you ever felt stuck in your online business journey, unable to reach a consistent amount of income every month?

That's what one of my students, Stephen, told me in my Six-Figure Coaching...

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The Worst Internet Marketing Strategy

Oh Internet Marketers, what are we going to do with you guys?!

Today I've gotta rant about what I'm seeing as the worst Internet Marketing strategy right now and why you should do the opposite of...

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Don't Start An Online Business Until You Hear This

I know I'm the guy always telling you to start an online business, build passive income, and launch a digital product, but I honestly don't want you to start down that path until you've heard what...

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3 Reasons People Will Buy Your Online Course (Even With So Much Free Content Available)

Why would someone buy your course if there is so much information available for free?

This is probably the number one question I get from students. And it’s a logical one given how much...

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6 Ways To Monetize Your Blog, Podcast, or YouTube Channel

If you are slowly building an audience through a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel but have yet to make good money from it, you might not be monetizing the right way (or at all).

While there are a...

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The Thank You Page Strategy

I believe the single most underutilized piece of real estate on your website is the "thank you" page that your people see when they opt in to your email list.

If you think about it, that page is...

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The $765,000 sales page

Today I want to take you inside one of my sales pages that has generated over $765,000 in revenue in the last couple of years and walk you through each element of the sales copy process.
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