What does the bible really say about prayer? - If You Will Ask by Oswald Chambers

What is prayer? How does it work? Am I doing it wrong? These are questions that many Christians have had and many people of all kinds of faiths have had. And in today's book, in the 52 -book...

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How to speak with more credibility - The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication by John Maxwell

I think communication is the most powerful skill you can have because this whole world revolves around people. And the better you can communicate with those people, the better your life will be,...

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The Thing Blocking All of Your Progress - The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

If you've ever struggled with writer's block or creativity block or just that inner struggle to bring something to life in the world that you want to see (whether a business, a new workout...

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How to handle stress as a business owner with Justin Rothlingshoefer

In this conversation, Graham Cochrane interviews Justin Roethlingshoefer about the importance of health for entrepreneurs. Justin shares his early interest in health and how it led him to start...

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Improve your marriage with brain science - The 4 Habits of Joy-Filled Marriages by Marcus Warner

What separates a healthy marriage from a miserable one? In this book review, Graham Cochrane discusses 'The Four Habits of Joy-Filled Marriages' by Marcus Warner and Chris Coursey. The book...

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The 3 best places to invest (as a business owner)

I became a net worth millionaire at age 35. I'm a pretty average guy with pretty average investment knowledge, but I've put it to work and I think that's the good news. In today's episode, what I...

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Wealth is what you don't see - They Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

Money and personal finance is usually thought of as a numbers thing, a math thing, no behavior required. In fact, you should keep your emotions out of it and just follow the numbers.

That sounds...

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Millionaire Tax Strategies for Business Owners with Amanda Han

In this conversation, Graham Cochrane interviews Amanda Han, a tax advisor and expert on tax advice for business owners and real estate. They discuss Amanda's journey from working for other firms...

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Hurry Is Incompatible With Joy - The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

My golden nugget takeaway from The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. Book 3 of 52 in my 52 Book Challenge. Find out more here:

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Alex Hormozi says weekends are for the mediocre masses (oh boy - my reaction)

Do you actually even need a weekend?

Well, according to one of the most successful and popular business owners and content creators today, Alex Hormozi, weekends are for the mediocre masses. Oh,...

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How to find the meaning of (your) life - Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl

What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of your life? And maybe more importantly, why should you care?

Today's book in the 52 Book Challenge is Viktor Frankl's classic Man's Search for...

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Subscribers don't matter on YouTube in 2024 (here's what does) w/ Sean Cannell

If you want to grow your business, you need to be on YouTube. So to help I wanted to bring on one of the all-time YouTube experts to the show to help you unpack it even more. It's my friend Sean...

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