Online Courses: 4 Ways To Get Great Testimonials (Part 6 of 6)

Welcome to the final installment of my How To Build A Profitable Online Course video series!

If you’ve followed along then you know how to know exactly what course will sell, how...

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Online Courses: The 3 Biggest Launch Mistakes (Part 5 of 6)

Have you ever been disappointed with a launch?

I’ve talked with so many online business owners who have built and launched a course – only to see it flop and bring few (if any)...

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Online Courses: How To Sell And Distribute Your Online Course (Part 4 of 6)

If you’ve ever had the desire to take what you know, turn it into a digital product like an online course, and start selling it automatically to create passive income then you’re in...

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Online Courses: How To Film Your Online Course For Free (Part 3 of 6)

Once you’ve researched and outlined an online course that will virtually sell itself, it’s time to actually film the darn thing!

When building a video course you have two...

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Online Courses: How To Outline An Irresistible Online Course (Part 2 of 6)

So you’ve decided to build an online course and create some passive income. Congratulations!

You’ve got some amazing knowledge, experience, or skills to share with the world and...

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Online Courses: How To Know What Online Course To Build (Part 1 of 6)

So you want to build an online course and make some passive income?

So does everyone else! But most people aren’t making any money with their online courses.

What’s going to separate...

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The $100 Startup: And The Dawn of Microbusiness

When you hear the word business or entrepreneurship, you might think of some tech startup with venture capital, cool offices, and a bunch of employees playing ping pong all day.

But there is a...

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Your Business Is Not For Everyone

Do you feel the pressure to get as many customers or clients as possible?

If you’re not careful you can fall into one of the most common traps of entrepreneurship which is trying to make a...

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Your Business Should Exist To Serve Your Life (Not The Other Way Around)

Many business owners I know find themselves unrested, overwhelmed, working all the time, always connected via their phones, anxiety prone, and on the verge of constant burnout.

And all the while...

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The 4 Most Important Words In Marketing

Having a great product or service is not enough to get your business to the income level you want.

What you need is a great product or service paired with strategic marketing – because...

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How To Use Mailchimp To Grow Your Business

No matter what business you are in, email marketing is a must-have tool to create and grow income.

Selling via email is more profitable and effective than selling via social media, on your...

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The Go-Giver: How Generosity Is The Secret To Success

Growing up I always heard about the concept of a go-getter.

Someone who takes initiative and goes out in the world to “get” his or her fair share of the “good life” as they...

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